Cycle challenge raises funds
Our trustee and Treasurer Sean completed a gruelling 77 mile cycle challenge to raise funds for Lewisham Speaking Up (LSU). Sean took part in the Surrey Hills challenge and so far he has raised over £1500!
Sean said “I did the 77 mile course in 6 hrs and 22 minutes. It was hard going, but enjoyable at the same time.”
We’d like to say a big thank you to Sean for getting on his Lycra and pushing himself to do the longest bike ride of his life!
Here what Sean says about why he wanted to do the ride.
“Just before the pandemic, I decided I wanted to become a trustee so that I could use my skills to give back, as I had seen other charities support my youngest daughter on her life journey.
The charity that I became a trustee of was Lewisham Speaking Up (LSU). They are an incredible organisation that provide support to residents of Lewisham with learning disabilities to allow their voices to be heard.
This was something that was close to my heart. One of my earliest worries for my youngest was who would would speak up with her when I couldn’t.
Over the last couple of years I have been privileged to serve as a trustee and as treasurer to them. I have seen and heard at first hand what amazing work they do.”
There is still time to donate, if you would like to support Sean’s efforts to raise money for LSU.
Alternatively you can donate to us via our dedicated giving page.
If you are interested in raising money for LSU contact us, we’d love to hear from you!