An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Lewisham People’s Parliament on Employment

A man speaks wearing a T shirt speaks passionately into a microphoneA woman in a grey hooded top speaks into a microphone with one hand on her hipA man in a coat speaks into a microphone while another man watches from behind


A man in a green shirt speaks into a microphoneA woman in a blue jumper gestures with one hand as she speaks into a microphoneA man in a blue top speaks into a microphone


Read the latest Lewisham People’s Parliament report on the subject of Employment.

Lewisham People’s Parliament report on Employment April 2023


We held the People’s Parliament at the Council Chamber in Catford, Lewisham.

39 People with learning disabilities joined the meeting to talk about their experiences of employment. We asked them – What do they think about work? How do they feel about working? What would they like to happen?


We had guest speakers from Lewisham Council Jobs and Skills team

and from Building People, Changing Minds

We also had an open mic session at the end of the meeting. People spoke up about whatever they wanted to say and you can see some pictures at the top of this article.


Summary of main points on employment


  • People with learning disabilities find the system around benefits and work confusing
  • There were mixed views about how much job centres can help people with learning disabilities to find work
  • There should be more individualised support for people with learning disabilities who want to work
  • People who want to work value having a job and the extra quality of life it can bring
  • Help needs to be about more than just finding a job. People want ongoing support once they have a job


Our experience at Lewisham Speaking Up is that a supported employment model works well for people with learning disabilities. We would welcome the development of more supported employment in the borough.

Support that is individualised and goes beyond just finding a job is needed. Support also needs to be for the employer as well as for people with learning disabilities.

We need a benefits system that supports people with learning disabilities to try out work without fear of losing their benefits. There needs to be a clearer alternative to the digital pathway available at job centres.


To find out more about the Lewisham People’s Parliament contact us

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