An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Lewisham People’s Parliament report on the Cost of Living

A side view of an audience of disabled people sitting in an auditorium

Read the latest Lewisham People’s Parliament report on the cost of living

Lewisham People’s Parliament report on Cost of Living December 2022

Over 50 people joined us for our People’s Parliament to discuss the cost of living on 16th December 2022.

We also had a great presentation from Lewisham Foodbank about their work.

We talked about:

  • Why are prices going up so much?
  • What can we do to save money and cut costs?
  • What help is available with the cost of living?


People with learning disabilities had lots to say about the cost of living. Some of the main themes of the discussions were:

  • Disabled people are at a disadvantage due to low employment opportunities and the extra costs that some face, including many paying towards the care and support they receive
  • The Government need to do more, both the make sure that benefits rise in line with costs and to properly fund health and social care services
  • There is a concern that a rise in crime due to the cost of living crisis will mean that people with learning disabilities are more often targeted and will be more isolated as a result of this fear
  • People with learning disabilities find it hard to understand a lot of the information around the cost of living. More Easy Read information helps, but people also need support to understand and act on information, even if it is in an Easy Read format




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