An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Winter Newsletter

Read our latest News

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I’m writing this not long after our AGM, where we looked back at an eventful year. I used a picture of a roller coaster to illustrate the last 18 months or so, and there certainly have been plenty of ups and downs!

A well-attended AGM
Some of our lovely Trustees

Getting funding is always a challenge so it was my pleasure to announce that we have recently been awarded £88,000 of funding from The City Bridge Foundation. This will fund our self-advocacy work over the next two years, including the much loved Lewisham People’s Parliament. We were also pleased to have received funding via the NHS to run a new short project on why people with learning disabilities aren’t often employed in the health and care workforce. We will be looking at the barriers people face and, more importantly, trying to identify solutions.

We would also like to thank The David Solomons Charitable Trust and the Lee Charity of William Hatcliffe for making small grants available to us.

There are quite a few exciting developments to come next year, including our new project in partnership with Entelechy Arts which will raise the voice of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in the borough. We also can’t wait to be involved in the proposed new Learning Disability Partnership Board for Lewisham. Finally, as part of their response to the Lewisham Disabled People’s Commission report, the Council has agreed to set up a role looking at disability policy and co-production.

 There are certainly lots of interesting things on the horizon!


Finally, please don’t forget our Christmas Crowdfunder Appeal!

Although we have been fortunate to secure much needed funding, it is for a limited period only and we still need more donations to extend all of our projects. To make a donation, please use the link below:

It will stay open for donations until 5 January.



Season’s greetings to all and we look forward to working with all of our partners in the new year.

Marsh Stitchman, Director


A black woman is holding a microphone. She is smiling and looking towards the camera.

People’s Parliament

It’s been a busy period for self-advocates with two People’s Parliaments held at the Council Chamber recently. The first on race equality was chaired by Ifeoma and saw 36 people with learning disabilities attend.

The second, on mental health, was attended by 33 people and chaired by Mary. Thanks go to our friends at South London and Maudsley mental health in learning disabilities team for their help in running workshops.

Watch out for more news on People’s Parliaments for 2024!

Our popular drop-in

Group work

Our drop in, zoom group and women’s and men’s groups have continued meeting most weeks and provide valuable spaces for people to come together, share issues, learn and have fun. 

As one of the people who comes to our groups says:

‘I get my voice heard, I feel listened to.

Wishing everyone a healthy & peaceful Christmas break and New Year.

Our office will be closed from 21 December and will reopen on 2 January.

Phone: 020 8692 1862

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