New Easy Read guide to scams
Lewisham Speaking Up has worked with Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board to make a new easy read guide to scams.
You can read the guide by clicking the picture above.
The booklet is an easy read guide to common scams. It tells you
- what scams to look out for
- what to do to stay safe
- where to go for more information or help
The idea for the booklet came about after we held a Lewisham People’s Parliament on scams in March 2022. Lots of people with learning disabilities told us they were the victims of scams.
You can read the report from the People’s Parliament on scams on our website.
Some people with learning disabilities spoke about the People’s Parliament at a meeting of the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board. They said that one of things people had asked for at the People’s Parliament was more accessible information about scams.
The Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board made a promise that they would fund some easy read information. We were asked to help and we have been working on a booklet for several months now. We are pleased to say that the new easy read guide is now ready!
You can read the guide on our website.
You can also read the guide on the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board website.