Read our latest People’s Parliament report!
In October 2023 we met to talk about race inequality. You can now read our latest People’s Parliament report.
Lewisham People’s Parliament report on Race Equality October 2023
This was the first time we had a discussion about race inequality with a wider group of people with learning disabilities. It was an interesting meeting and something that we think we should talk about again.
We were surprised that we couldn’t find any guest speakers who wanted to come and talk about this subject. Maybe we were just unlucky.
Last year a report came out called ‘We Deserve Better -Ethnic Minorities with a Learning Disability and Access to Healthcare.’ You can read this report on the website of the Race Equality Foundation. There is also a video about the project which features Lewisham People’s Parliament rep Aisha. There was also a news item about the report on our website.
This gave us a great opportunity to talk about health and race inequality. We think it’s important that everybody works together to make sure people with learning disabilities from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds get better health care.
This report will be sent out to our colleagues in the NHS and in other places. We hope they will find it helpful.