An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Read our People’s Parliament report on the Elections


Read the latest Lewisham People’s Parliament report on our Elections

In September 2024, we held a People’s Parliament where we elected a new set of People’s Parliament reps.

You can read the report here

Or click on the picture of the report



36 people with a learning disability came to vote for who they wanted to represent them. 5 people couldn’t come on the day but voted by postal vote.

16 people with a learning disability stood in the election to become reps, and 6 were elected. Their names are Aisha, Dinesh, Ella, Ifeoma, Peter and Thomas.

We want to thank Vicky Foxcroft MP for opening the parliament.

Cecilia Knapp came to tell us about her residency at the City Bridge Foundation, who fund our People’s Parliaments. She shared her poem about Southwark Bridge.

Andrew Lee, director of People First, told us about the new London Campaign Network.

We also thanked the old reps for their hard work campaigning for learning disability rights over the last 5 years!


We ran 3 workshops where we talked about what we think of People’s Parliaments, how they can be better and what topics we should talk about in future.


Read the report to find out what people had to say in full, but here are some highlights!

  • People’s Parliaments make people feel happy, proud and more confident
  • they help people feel like they have a voice and can speak up for their rights
  • Some people said they want more ways to find out what was said at parliaments, as not everyone can read the reports


Our next People’s Parliament will be on the 14th March 10.30 – 3.00 at the Catford Civic Suite, where we will talk about money and benefits. Open to all people with learning disabilities living in Lewisham borough. Contact for more information.

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