An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Read our People’s Parliament report on the Elections

  Read the latest Lewisham People’s Parliament report on our Elections In September 2024, we held a People’s Parliament where we elected a new set of People’s Parliament reps. You can read the report here Or click on the picture of the report     36 people with a learning disability came to vote for […]

Winter Newsletter

We have lots of news hot off the press! Please share with anyone who might be interested to know about our work with people with learning disabilities

Autumn Newsletter

We have lots of news hot off the press! Please share with anyone who might be interested to know about our work with people with learning disabilities

Summer Newsletter

We have lots of news hot off the press! Please share with anyone who might be interested to know about our work with people with learning disabilities

Autumn Newsletter

Read our latest news update Dear Friends and Supporters, Hello and welcome to our latest newsletter. By the time you are reading this, we will have returned from the Positive Voices self-advocacy conference in Birmingham. This is the second year we have been involved in planning and being part of this new conference, organised and […]

Summer Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters, I’m writing this during Learning Disability Week 2023 and thinking about the theme this year, which is ‘myth busting’. I’m lucky to work closely with some amazing people with learning disabilities who are great self-advocates, artists, workers, parents and much more. We spend a lot of time fighting for the rights […]

Spring Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters, Welcome to our first newsletter of 2023. I’d like to say hello as the new Director for Lewisham Speaking Up, although I hope most people know me, as I have been around for 7 years now! This has been a challenging time for us, as we have lost some of our […]

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