An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

What we do - easy read

a group of 4 people with various disabilities stand in front of speech bubbles

We do four types of work:

1-2-1 Advocacy

1-2-1 advocacy is when you have someone to help you with a problem. They can help you understand things and say what you want to happen.


Self-advocacy is about speaking up for yourself. It is about saying what you want and getting your rights. We run different self-advocacy groups.

man having his blood pressure checked by a doctor sitting at a desk

Health Advocacy – We are not doing this work at the moment

This is people with learning disabilities speaking up for better health care. We work with doctors and hospitals to make sure people get treated fairly.

two people standing at a whiteboard for training

Training – We are not doing this work at the moment

This is about training people so they know about things that affect people with learning disabilities.

You can find out more about each type of work below.
woman with red hair sitting at a table with her arms resting on the table; she is talking to a female advocate whose back is to the camera
a blue telephone
laptop showing an email

1-2-1 Advocacy

Community Advocacy

Do you have a problem you can’t sort out by yourself?  An advocate can help you speak up and get your voice heard.

You can find out more by calling us on 020 8692 1862 or email

bill letters for electric, gas and council tax, stamped with 'overdue'
a blue telephone
laptop showing an email

Money Management Advocacy

An advocate that can help you with money and benefit problems.

You can find out more by contacting us on 07565 280157 or email

orange circle with cartoon Big Ben in it. People's Parliament for Lewisham written around the circle

Self-Advocacy Groups & Meetings

Lewisham People’s Parliament

The Lewisham People’s Parliament is a big meeting for people with a learning disability.

We talk about a different subject at each meeting. We invite bosses to come to the Parliament so they can hear what you have to say. 

man sitting at a computer which has a zoom meeting

Zoom Groups

We run speaking up groups on zoom. You can join in to speak up and find out about things. 

Sometimes we have special guests who join on zoom to talk about different subjects.

group of people around a table; we cant see them all. diverse group

The Big Group

A monthly speaking up group where you come to speak up and be heard. 

Sometimes we have special guests who come to talk to the group about different subjects.

groups of women showing strength and happiness
three men standing and smiling

Women’s and Men’s speaking up groups

Separate smaller meetings for women or men where you can get together and speak up.


a blue telephone
laptop showing an email

You can find out more about our self-advocacy groups by contacting us on 020 8692 1862 or email

a group of people with disabilities talk to professionals. two men are shaking hands. there are speech bubbles above their heads

Health Ambassadors Programme

The Health Ambassadors speak up about health in Lewisham and Lambeth. 

They talk to people about the things on the list below:

man having his blood pressure checked by a doctor sitting at a desk
  • Annual Health Checks.  Knowing what an annual health check is and how to get one.
silhouette of a body with the word 'cancer' next to it
  • Cancer.
    Knowing about Cancer and how to get yourself checked
a close up of a man receiving an injection in his arm
  • Knowing about Covid and getting the vaccine. Knowing about and getting your flu-jab.
three people looking at a table of food, including lots of fruit and vegetables
  • Staying healthy and well. Like eating healthy food and doing exercise.



To find out more about the Health Ambassadors project contact us on 020 8692 1862 or email

two people standing at a whiteboard for training


Speak Up and Stop Hate Crime Training

We run free workshops for people in Lewisham to help people speak up and stop Disability Hate Crime. 

The workshops are run by two trainers with a learning disability with a supporter.

These workshops are for different groups of people.

group of people with disabilities smiling, showing strength and togetherness

Training for people with learning disabilities

Workshops for people with learning disabilities are short six week courses of 2 hours a week.

They teach people what hate crime is and skills in how to train others.

group of people hold a sign that says 'team'

Training for professionals and staff groups

We do workshops for staff groups about what is a Learning Disability Hate Crime? 

How does it make people with learning disabilities feel? 

What can you do about it? How to spot it and how to report it.

group of people are sat huddled around a laptop, looking at the screen

Training for school children

We do workshops for children about what is a Learning Disability Hate Crime?

How does it make people with learning disabilities feel? 

What can you do about it? How to spot it and how to report it.

two school-age girls are writing on paper together

Other groups

We are also able to train self-advocates, who are people with learning disabilities, in other London Boroughs

In our training we include a hate crime film that we made with Advocreate. You can see one of the scenes below:

two people standing at a whiteboard for training
man sitting at a computer which has a zoom meeting
a blue telephone
laptop showing an email

We can come to you to give the training, or we can deliver the training on Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Book us now!

You can find out more about our training by contacting us on 020 8692 1862 or email

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