1-2-1 Advocacy
What is advocacy?
“Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need. Advocates and advocacy schemes work in partnership with the people they support and take their side. Advocacy promotes social inclusion, equality, and social justice.” Action for Advocacy
“Advocacy means to speak up for someone. Most of us at some time in our lives speak up for others or hope that someone will speak up for us when we need support. There are some groups of people who may need more help than others. This is the case for people with learning disabilities because they are at risk of being ignored.” Bild: British Institute of Learning Disabilities
An Advocate is someone on your side to:
- Help you speak up for yourself
- Speak up for you
- Make sure you are heard
- Make sure your rights are respected
- Put your views and wishes forward
- Find out important information on your behalf
Community 1-2-1 Advocacy
Community Advocacy is delivered by our Community 1-2-1 Advocate, who is a professional advocate, and by a team of dedicated volunteer advocates. The service gives priority to people with learning disabilities who get little or no statutory support. A Community Advocate can support people with issues such as housing, crime, money, support issues, lack of support, or any other issues that may be causing the person stress or hardship.
To make a referral please download the Community 1-2-1 Advocacy referral form, or email referrals@lsup.org.uk.
Money Management 1-2-1 Advocacy
Our Money Management 1-2-1 Advocacy service is about financial inclusion. A professional advocate and a small team of volunteers can help people with learning disabilities and/or autism with financial difficulties such as:
- Benefit related problems
- Council Tax
- Utility Bills
- Mobile phone debts
- Other debt problems
This service works with others, such as Lewisham Citizens Advice Bureau, to maximise the help given to people. We also want to help people to learn to manage their money better.
To refer to this service please download the Money Management 1-2-1 Advocacy referral form, or email: referrals@lsup.org.uk
Spot Purchasing Advocacy
If we are unable to offer you advocacy within a required time frame, we welcome having a conversation with Commissioners and other professionals about spot purchasing advocacy. This is where you can pay us to provide advocacy.
If you have an enquiry about spot purchasing advocacy, please contact us using the button below.
1-2-1 Advocacy for Parents *
Being a parent can be difficult for anybody. If you have a learning disability it can be even harder. An Advocate can help if children’s services are involved in making decisions about your child. They can help you
- understand information
- know what your responsibilities are
- know the law and your rights
- go to meetings with you
- speak to social workers and solicitors
- make sure your views and wishes are known
They can help with other problems too.
If you are a parent with a learning disability you can also join a parent support group.
To make a referral please download the 1-2-1 Advocacy referral form, or email referrals@lsup.org.uk
* This service is currently unavailable, but we hope to offer this again in the future.
Advocacy Surgery (Advocacy Thursdays) *
The Advocacy Surgery called ‘Advocacy Thursdays’ is a monthly session where people can have an appointment with an advocate to sort out short term difficulties they may be having. This service gives priority to people who do not get help and support from statutory support services.
To make a referral please download the Community 1-2-1 Advocacy referral form, or email referrals@lsup.org.uk