An independent charity for people with learning disabilities

Summer Newsletter

We have lots of news hot off the press! Please share with anyone who might be interested to know about our work with people with learning disabilities

Lewisham People’s Parliament on Housing

Logo of the Lewisham People's Parliament

Read our new Lewisham People’s Parliament report on housing In March we held a Lewisham People’s Parliament on housing. This is a subject we hear a lot about, particularly in our 121 advocacy services where people come to us with many housing issues. People with learning disabilities say they feel frustrated at the lack of […]

Read our new Lewisham People’s Parliament report May 2024

Logo of the Lewisham People's Parliament

Read our new Lewisham People’s Parliament report on mental health In December 2023 we held a Lewisham People’s Parliament on the subject of mental health. You can read the report by clicking the picture below: This is the third time we have held a People’s Parliament on mental health. We find that people with learning […]

Spring Newsletter

Read our latest News Dear Friends and Supporters, Hello and welcome to our latest newsletter. Spring is in the air and we are pleased to announce some new growth at Lewisham Speaking Up! First, we welcome Ellie Spirrett to the team as our new Self-Advocacy Coordinator. Ellie will be taking over lots of our self-advocacy […]

Read our latest People’s Parliament report! (January 2024)

A black woman is holding a microphone. She is smiling and looking towards the camera.

Read our latest People’s Parliament report!   In October 2023 we met to talk about race inequality. You can now read our latest People’s Parliament report. Lewisham People’s Parliament report on Race Equality October 2023   This was the first time we had a discussion about race inequality with a wider group of people with […]

New Easy Read guide to scams January 2024

A man in a suit is on a phone call with a young woman. He is talking about money. On the screen behind the man is a computer screen with the words 'scams are us'. The image is meant to represent a scam caller.

New Easy Read guide to scams Lewisham Speaking Up has worked with Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board to make a new easy read guide to scams. You can read the guide by clicking the picture above. The booklet is an easy read guide to common scams. It tells you what scams to look out for what […]

Winter Newsletter

Read our latest News Dear Friends and Supporters, I’m writing this not long after our AGM, where we looked back at an eventful year. I used a picture of a roller coaster to illustrate the last 18 months or so, and there certainly have been plenty of ups and downs! A well-attended AGM Some of […]

Give where it matters this season!

We all want to be heard don’t we? Giving generously to our advocacy service this Christmas season, will help a neglected section of society to feel heard and cared for. Support Lewisham Speaking Up now by donating via Crowdfunder. Ways to donate 1. Be part of our Crowdfunding appeal. 2. Set up a one-off, or […]

Autumn Newsletter

Read our latest news update Dear Friends and Supporters, Hello and welcome to our latest newsletter. By the time you are reading this, we will have returned from the Positive Voices self-advocacy conference in Birmingham. This is the second year we have been involved in planning and being part of this new conference, organised and […]

Photosymbols shoot August 2023

A woman is standing applying make up to a man's face. He is sitting in a chair beside her.

Photosymbols shoot August 2023 We had a great time doing a photo shoot last month with the lovely people from Photosymbols Panda, Pete, Steve and Joe from Photosymbols   The pictures we helped make will eventually become easy read images that you can download from the Photosymbols website. This helps to make easy read documents […]

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